Redistricting Process
Every ten years, local governments use new census data to redraw their district lines to reflect how local populations have changed since the last decennial census. Assembly Bill 849 (2019) requires cities and counties to engage communities in the redistricting process by holding hearings and/or workshops and doing public outreach.
What is Redistricting?
Why does redistricting matter to me?
Redistricting determines which neighborhoods and communities are grouped together into a district for the purposes of electing a board member.
The Board of Supervisors will seek input in selecting the next district map for our supervisorial districts. You have an opportunity to share with the Board of Supervisors how you think district boundaries should be drawn to best represent your community.
What do the existing supervisorial districts look like?
You can find the County’s current supervisorial districts map in the website for the Board of Supervisors
What criteria will our Board of Supervisors use when drawing district lines?
To the extent practicable, district lines will be adopted using the following criteria:
How will the public be notified about redistricting?
The County of Imperial will reach out to local media and utilize social media platforms to publicize the redistricting process. In addition, we will make a good faith effort to notify community groups of various kinds about the redistricting process. Public workshops will be provided with Spanish language translation. All workshops will be publically noticed and maps will be posted online before adoption on this dedicated web page.
How can I get involved?
During the redistricting process, community members will have many opportunities to participate, including:
Public Hearings
Public Workshops
Where can I find out more?
Information will be updated on this dedicated web page as it becomes available. In addition, the County of Imperial will regularly post updates on Facebook @ImperialCntyCA, Instagram @ImperialCounty and Twitter @ImperialCntyCA. You can also contact the County Executive Office at (442) 265-1001 to find out more about how the process works.